Cybernated is another word for digital, if used in the “computerized” sense.
Cybernated means “to be controlled by a servomechanism”
A servomechanism is “a mechanical or electromechanical system for control of the position or
speed of an output transducer” -in this case an auto focus camera lens
Transducer means “a device that receives a signal in the form of one type of energy and converts it to a signal in another form” –which is what we can probably call the sensor
So, the mechanical servomechanisms transducer converts the light into a cybernetic representation.
a towel on a fence on a not so hot day, Sydney Rd Coburg.
Another view of an already grammed version of my backyard.
yes ive had some “Purple Rain” of sorts
Probably the best defacing of a traffic sign ever, except one time i saw this sign and it was one with the names of towns and how many km’s to the next one, anyway where it said City, had been changed with a texta to Pity, 15 km’s from Pity.
i dont know why but i still think its the funniest thing ever.
The guy drivin this Ferrari kept checking to see if people were lookin at him, he looked at me and i laughed, what a gronk.
…id still take one for a spin though.
above below: same bin, different day