More film dumps from folders entitled Feb and April 2011.
Hell good afternoon tea birthday cake fest at location unknown on Phillip Island
Chillin with my cousins above and my uncle Doug below with what looks like a Yashica or some ancient Voigtlander.
Totem tennis seriously rules yo.
Back to the suburbs, private rental.
To move here is to commit suicide, a very slow suicide
Smoking area for the kids, Campbelfield
SRSLY Keegs, i had to.
Ur-banality broken by lost balloons.
Somewhere in St Albans
Kriss workin on Duncans mini
Chandelier in the NGV
Good burgers just out of Albury/Wodonga (i think)
Do it longer, the lamp-post needs to SMS ‘try’
Sandridge Beach, the beach to go to in the West thats not really in the dig?
Driftwood & Blanket, Sandridge Beach
Somewhere in country Victoria
More old film images coming soon, probably…
..also got a couple new Sticky Sketches up here