So anyway, in case you forgot. last year i moved to Groote Eylandt in the N.T for 8 or so months.
There was heaps of mangy mutts there, so i started photographing them.
All these pics were taken in and around Angurugu on 35mm with various cameras.
Angurugu is predominantly an indigenous community and the dogs are pretty much left to do whatever they want. Half the time they would sleep in the very middle of the road and you had to drive around em, pretty funny. they didn't give a rats.
The best thing i heard about the dogs is that they would send em in first to any water suspected of housing the giant reptilians we know as crocs
If the dogs didn't come out, you didn't go swimming.
No offence to dogs though, i love my daaaawwwwggggsss
i think this is all the dog photos i got, although i still have a stack of rolls to be processed, so who knows, there may be a part 2.