the pool at our resort, that ponyo looking creature emerging is actually raynee
raynee has also been blogging pretty hard, harder than me!
she started a blog called Eylandt Lyfe which is well, pretty self explanatory.
you should check it out by clicking the following WORD
it even has a picture of me when i caught a shark! nice~1
one of my all time dream rides, dont know the year. but if im ever gettin a 4WD
..then make mine a vintage troop carrier.
so instead of the “stop the carnage” road toll/heroin toll of melbournes worst newspaper,
the newspaper in darwin (the name of which the eludes me) instead has the amount of croc captures in the year so far!
seems like they have it under control.
groote eylandt pride plates, hahaha
next post i think will be one on sunsets and moonsets? or moonrises?
is that even a thing??
as luck would have it, our resort as nice as it appears, double booked our other room and we subsequently got moved to the staff quarters, raynees face when she saw the size of our new telly was one of abhorrence and dismay, i felt bad for her.
we’re now living in a room that is basically built to house a bed.
oh and i got a job tutoring assistant indigenous teachers, ill most likely have more on that later.
until the next post, it’s curtains