Friday, January 30, 2009

fake polaroids of cancer towers

so i like these things, these cancer towerz.
there everywhere when yr drivin round the place.
i just drive on by em all day gazing upon their power,
cancer giving power that is,
transmitting their cancer to everything everywhere.

why cancer towerz?
i went through some sort of "godspeed you! black emperor"
listening addiction ages and also eons ago.
godspeed are hell sweet.
to me and maybe some other fool there like
canadian post rock anarchist musicians of apocalyptic dirges
anyway the track is called "gathering storm" and this is like a 22.32 minute long track
of musical greatness/awesomeness/catharsis and maybe a requiem for my or your soul.
the song is split up into four movements,
lift yr skinny fists like antenna's to heaven/
gathering storm/
welcome to barco am/pm/
cancer towers on holy road hi-way

that last part right there always made me think of them power lines you see below.
they just seem like cancer towerz to me is all.
i dont really like anything i just wrote but im not about to delete it,
it took to long in this effing heat and my beer went warm.