Tuesday, May 8, 2012

instagram junk that made it + some that didn't

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we had a garage sale before we left, it got shut down by the council, i made $5.
I also promised these videos and another box of em’ to a couple of people, prior if your reading this i still have a box of VHS for ya, it’s just in storage for now.
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i also somehow i ended up with heaps of 2nd hand boards, they were all gone within an hour of me putting them here.
the “exalt the new god” alien board was skated by all the girls fave, dylan reider
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geoff rowley ~ oceanside high, three flip 1994. proof is in the pudding proved it.
still so amazing to this day.
i heard he did it a couple of times.
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ki-ki now lives on phillip island with my uncle and cousin
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i also had a photo in some weird exhibition at no vacancy before we left.
liquids consequence 2011, shot in in a campervan village in central australia mid last year
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weekday slabs, 500ml cans, hangover comes next
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i reckon it had been in the bain-marie for about 5 hours by the time i got stuck in
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i once saw a licence plate that read HTML, i love computer plates.
nerd pride!
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scarfing material used to be a column in thrasher mag where skaters would send in their dodgy recipies, i wish it came back. i dont think this really counts as such though
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sold out.
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ki-ki’s last stop before phillip island, my parentals house.
this is the last photo i took before saying goodbye.
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the waiting room at vincent aviation in darwin, last stop before boarding a twin engine propeller plane to groote eylandt.
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