Thursday, July 12, 2012

foto app addiction live from my iphone with hella banter 2 boot

first up anyone with instagram that happens to follow me @diversal will probs recognise a bunch of these, sorry for double postin, but some fools aint got with the prog yet.
guess i’m havin’ a slight troll here too.

this here is a mango jack, caught off some footstep-less beach in a bay in some unknown land.
one of the best bits of fish i’ve ever tasted.03a   a rare #selfie
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over edited portrature made with me fave app, filterstorm. it’s like havin photoshop on yr phone.
raybone’s chillin on the top of some cliff.03c   

next eight, various views and a touch more commentary all on the the streets of angurugu. 04
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i’d really like to own a range rover classic at some stage, but like all my cars, would prob end up lookin like this one. also on the streets of angurugu.09 10 11

at some stage in the 50’s or 60’s there was a prawn factory or fishery or the like operating in the closed lands of bartalumba bay. when aboriginals got the right to fair pay it had to close down cause the tight pricks runnin’ it couldn’t afford to pay the proper award wage to the indigenous workers anymore ..or so i’ve been told. i like that the greedy bastards had to shut up shop and leave.
i really hope i can actually get back here and take some proper pics, but like i said it’s on closed lands. i was lucky enough to be able to get this one with my phone cammy.12

also i bought these 4 pairs of sunnies off ebay for 10 bucks with shipping, bargains.
probs about a months worth here…
seriously, ive broken and or lost 3 pairs already since leavin melb.13

raybone again, reading a giant murakami book, apparently it’s really bizarre, they say he’s the david lynch of writing. if your wondering its called 1Q84
might have to give him a go one of these days.14 15 16 17

ok so i got another new job, the fourth i’ve got since i got here.
i started bar workin’ at the local golf club, then started tutoring indigenous teachers during the day.
after that i got a job as (funnily enough) a driver for the local health clinic, but i never actually got to start that one cuz i got offered a job at raynees work. it’s basically teaching a group of kids and or adults the basics of photography through a multimedia project i will be running!
super stoked about this one.
it’s a three month contract that could see me gettin’ flown all over the place initialising the plan on other remote communities. fingers are really really crossed i can pull this one off, like i said, real stoked on this one!
anyway the troop carrier below will become my work car once
i start in a week or so. dope ride yo.
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i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, whats the point of drinking anything but full strength beer?
if your not drinking full strength, buy a damn ginger ale or a juice.  this is just a straight up waste of money right here, unless you of course think the watery flavour is nice.
down with carlton midstrength.
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above are some of the millions of fireworks set off on N.T day, dont know anything about it. i presume its all about northern territorians getting drunk and setting them off all night.
it’s certainly what they did.
also on another night some kick ass estonians made a hell good pork bbq for estonian day which happens during one of the solstices (maybe?) then cayley the canadian made this hell good cake for fouth of july on the fifth, and then adam the actual american got a face full of it.
havin’ some pretty good times.
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lastly, i bought one of the leftovers from a rome torti benefit photo show, it my man nick boserio.
the brass as we like to call him is an insane skateboarder, watch his over 150,000 views clip
right----> here
anyway, i hung the photie on the only hook in the room of our lodgings,
just above raynee and i as we sleep.

creepy?    …nah

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p.s i hate using capitals when i should.